Why consider concrete as a material for interior applications, like a kitchen or bathroom counters?

Concrete is an extraordinary material that is practical, expressive, and aesthetic all at once. From a primal and formless slurry, you can transform it into virtually any shape that becomes a solid mass. The possibilities for creative expression are endless. You can grind, polish, stamp, or stain it. You can embed meaningful objects within it.

Do you deliver to the GTA Toronto area?

Yes in some circumstances we do. Please contact us for more details.

How long with concrete countertops last?

Concrete countertops will serve you well for decades — both functionally and aesthetically — and are unlikely to ever need replacement. Under normal use, they will often last the life of your home.

Is our concrete sealed?

We have sealed your counters against most elements but care should be taken to maintain them. The sealing strategy that we employ allows the concrete to ‘breathe’ as Cementous hardening continues for years. As the seal allows for a small amount of vapor transfer, temporary local darkening may occur when steam filled pot lids or hot coffee cups are placed on the counter. This is normal and no cause for alarm.

Can concrete crack?

We at Touchstone have developed extremely high strength concrete mixes that nearly eliminate the risk of cracking, however hairline cracks are possible. The majority of cracking, on the rare occasion that is occurs, happens during transportation and can be repaired. While cracking is a possibility, it’s not something we ever hear about happening from our customers.

How much do Touchstone concrete countertops weigh?

It depends on the thickness and the mix design. At 1.5″ thick typical countertops weigh 18.5 lb per sq ft. At 2″ approximately 24 lb per sq ft. Beyond that we have many ways of reducing weight while maintaining the appearance of a thick slab.

How long is your warranty?

Yes, we offer a limited 2 year warranty on structural integrity.

Can I cut on concrete?

We do not recommend the use of knives on concrete. Although cutting will not affect the function of the concrete, it may scratch the finish, and it will certainly dull the knife. If desired, we can form a place to accept a custom chopping block.